
Your affiliation is the name of the school, university, municipality, organization or education institution you belong to.

  • Alstahaug municipality
  • Alvdal municipality
  • Alver Municipality
  • Ansgar University College
  • Asker municipality
  • Aure municipality
  • Aurskog-Høland municipality
  • Austrheim municipality
  • Bergen municipality
  • Bjørnafjorden municipality
  • Bærum municipality
  • Bø municipality - Nordland
  • Båtsfjord private videregående skole AS
  • Childrens International School Moss AS
  • Den norske skolen i Rojales
  • Den norske skolen ved SHAPE
  • Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse
  • Drangedal kommune
  • Dyrøy Kommune
  • Enebakk municipality
  • Evje og Hornnes municipality
  • Fedje municipality
  • Fjellhaug International University College
  • Fjord municipality
  • Flesberg municipality
  • Framnes Christian High School
  • Fundación Escuela Noruega de G.C
  • Giske municipality
  • Grane municipality
  • Granly skole
  • Hattfjelldal municipality
  • Heim Municipality
  • Heltberg Foundation
  • Hoppensprett Akademiet
  • Hustadvika municipality
  • Hå municipality
  • Ibestad kommune
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Innfjorden Independent School
  • Innlandet fylkeskommune
  • Iveland municipality
  • Jennestad Montessoriskole
  • Karasjok municipality
  • Kinn municipality
  • Kjølsdalen Montessoriskule
  • Kongsberg municipality
  • Kongshaugen Kristne grunnskole
  • Kongstun Kristne Friskole
  • Kriminalomsorgens høgskole og utdanningssenter KRUS
  • Kristen videregående skole Trøndelag
  • Kristiania University College
  • Krødsherad kommune
  • Kvam municipality
  • Kvæfjord municipality
  • Lillesand municipality
  • Lovisenberg diaconal university college
  • Lukas videregående skole
  • Lundeneset VGS AS
  • Lørenskog friskole
  • Masfjorden municipality
  • MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
  • Modalen municipality
  • Molde municipality
  • Molde Friskole
  • Molde University College
  • Montessoriskolen i Bergen
  • Moss municipality
  • Møre barne- og ungdomsskule Skodje AS
  • Nesodden municipality
  • Neverdal Enspire skole AS
  • NLA University College
  • NMBU Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Nord University
  • Nordkapp municipality
  • Nordland County Council
  • Nordreisa municipality
  • Norheim VGS AS
  • Norheimsund Friskule
  • Norskskolen LLC
  • Norwegian Academy of Music
  • Norwegian School Malaga
  • Norwegian School of Economics
  • Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • Notodden municipality
  • NTNU
  • Opdøl Montessoriskole
  • Oslo by steinerskole
  • Oslo municipality
  • Oslo National Academy of the Arts
  • OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Queen Maud University College
  • Rauma municipality
  • Ringebu municipality
  • Rogaland County Council
  • Rælingen municipality
  • Sámi allaskuvla – Sámi University College
  • Sámi High School and Reindeer Husbandry school
  • Sandnes municipality
  • Selbu municipality
  • Sigdal municipality
  • Sikt - Kunnskapssektorens tjenesteleverandør
  • Smøla municipality
  • St. Franciskus skole
  • St. Paul's Catholic School
  • Stad municipality
  • Stiftelsen Møre barne- og ungdomsskule, Ålesund
  • Stord municipality
  • Stranda municipality
  • Stryn municipality
  • Sula municipality
  • Sveio municipality
  • Sykkylven municipality
  • Sømna municipality
  • Sør-Odal municipality
  • Tana municipality
  • Telemark fylkeskommune
  • The Norwegian Police University College
  • The Norwegian School in London
  • The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
  • Troms fylkeskommune
  • Tryggheim Schools
  • Trøndelag County Council
  • Tyrifjord Barne og ungdomsskole Adventistsamfunnets Grunnskoler
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Ullensaker municipality
  • Ulstein municipality
  • University of Agder
  • University of Bergen
  • University of South-Eastern Norway
  • University of Stavanger
  • Utdanningsdirektoratet
  • Vaksdal municipality
  • Val videregående skole
  • Vang municipality
  • Vanylven municipality
  • Vardø Municipality
  • Vennesla municipality
  • Vestby municipality
  • Vestland county council
  • Vestnes municipality
  • VID Specialized University
  • Vike montessoriskule
  • Volda kommune
  • Volda University College
  • Våler municipality (Østfold)
  • Vårtun Kristne Oppvekstsenter
  • Wang Ung Oslo
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Ørsta municipality
  • Østfold University College
  • Øyer municipality
  • Ålesund municipality
  • Ås municipality
  • Åseral Municipality