
Your affiliation is the name of the school, university, municipality, organization or education institution you belong to.

  • Andøy municipality
  • Bø municipality - Nordland
  • Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Hadsel municipality
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Innlandet fylkeskommune
  • Institute for Social Research
  • Lier municipality
  • Lovisenberg diaconal university college
  • Lyngdal municipality
  • Lødingen Municipality
  • Meteorologisk institutt
  • Nibio
  • NLA University College
  • NMBU Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Norwegian Academy of Music
  • Norwegian School of Economics
  • Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Randaberg municipality
  • Sandefjord municipality
  • Sarpsborg municipality
  • Sikt - Kunnskapssektorens tjenesteleverandør
  • Simula
  • Sortland municipality
  • University of South-Eastern Norway
  • Volda University College
  • Øksnes municipality